CHEMNOVO's Heat (Thermal) Cracked PE wax in factory based in Zhejiang Hangzhou .With grand new LDPE/HDPE resin from international petrochemical plants such as BASF,Sinopec,PTT,ExxonMobil ,strict quality control and high standard equipment ,NOVO heat cracked PE wax become more and more popular in the market .
What is heat cracking ? In Wiki ,"cracking" means "In petrochemistry, petroleum geology and organic chemistry, cracking is the process whereby complex organic molecules such as kerogens or long-chain hydrocarbons are broken down into simpler molecules such as light hydrocarbons, by the breaking of carbon-carbon bonds in the precursors. The rate of cracking and the end products are strongly dependent on the temperature and presence of catalysts. Cracking is the breakdown of a large alkane into smaller, more useful alkanes and alkenes. Simply put, hydrocarbon cracking is the process of breaking a long-chain of hydrocarbons into short ones. This process might require high temperatures and high pressure"
Thermal Cracking PE wax is a way to produce LMPE from PE resin by using the heat to cracking its long chain .Compares to synthetic wax ,with same lubricity and dispersity,harder to precipitate in plastic